Hello, where have you been? Zimbabwe? Excellent.

Hello Losers! How long has it been since I've updated here? A long time! Or at least it feels that way. ...It probably has been. Because of this, if you really want to keep up to date with me on a pretty much every other day basis, follow me on my blog! It's quite nice now that I finally switched to a more awesome template! Oooooh yeah; that's some spicy style. ...Okay, not really, I just wanted something different and I clicked the one a somewhat liked. But yes! It's great!

...Let's start over. And this time I won't self-advertise. Alright, here we go.
Hi hello! Shannon Bolten here! Just wanted to check in with loser cabin because I seem to neglect it- although not as much as Hannah and Danny and even Toni. Just saying guys! Toni, stop doing debate, stop driving, stop your life! Your friends on the internet need you! :P Okay, jokes, but still you guys! Loser Cabin doesn't seem to have much spark to it even though Hannah Michelle and I have been updating kind of regularly. I don't know what it is... maybe it's because I haven't really gotten into the swing of things yet- I'm still not used to doing one-take vlogs; let alone vlogs that don't have any music! But I'm sure we'll make it magical again.

Anyway, my life has been pretty dang average lately. Lots of homework, surprising amount of wasted free time, and then it was my birthday... on a Tuesday. Yeah. Well, better than Monday! Also, no one remembered my birthday last year... and then I got a sore throat. So comparatively this years birthday has been pretty dang fantastic! All of my friends remembered, and then some people who I didn't even know that well remembered, and then there was the occasional perfect stranger who remembered... so not too shabby!

The best part was that at 5, I got all dolled up, went to pick up Hannah and then gorged myself on fancy french food from the Pearl. Daaaaaamn that's good eating! I had the French Onion soup AND the Fillet Mignon! ...I know, I'm a fatty. But it was SOOOOO good! Best hole I've ever burned in my parents wallet. :D

Today I'm going to go pick out a cellphone and paint my ceiling and prepare the walls for... orange! Tomorrow, that lovely color will dominate the walls. Oh, and also the Snow Ball is tomorrow and my group that I sit at lunch with made reservations for make-up appointments... so this weekend is freaking PACKED!

I hope you're all well and happy and enjoying your weekends!

Love, Shannon

P.S: Sorry this is so long! A lot happened since the other Monday... :P


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