
Hahaha, I'm sitting here in the school cantine with some classmates during a free period. They're all doing our spanish homework. I did it yesterday, so I get to blog instead. Yay!

Believe it or not, we've actually been watching Dirty Dancing 2 in Spanish class, since it takes place in Cuba. Yeah, it's cheesy (and sleazy...), but surprisingly entertaining. (And by that I mean: "Javier, the main male protagonist, is freaking gorgeous!")

Today I had a thought - it might be kind of far fetched, because it's so far in the future, but I think that we should keep doing the Loser Cabin thing indefinitely! Why, you might ask? Because I think my videos would be a heck of a lot more entertaining when I can hold up a screaming toddler and say, "Toby said his first word today!" Or something like that. And that way, when we're adults and living spread out all over the map, we can still stay in touch! (Apart from spending every other weekend in Spain/France/Italy, of course.)

Okay, I'm going to go get some food now :) Love you! And wish me luck in Spanish.
Actually, as an afterthought:
Finals are over! Jubilations! I just wanted to let you all know that Shannon is a happy camper now that finals are safely behind all of us. Now all we have to do is change the subject and pretend they never happened and maybe- just maybe- the pain of them will go away! WEEEEE!!!
So this weekend was awesome; three day weekends are always the best, AMIRIGHT?! I won't go into the details, because they're not really important, but I will say that Michelle, none of the students who went to Hellgate were jealous that you got to sleep in today... Because we did too! haha, although I really wish EVERY day would start at 12... or 9. I would LOVE 9! Seriously, that would be freaking fantastic, yo.
Anyway, just wanted to check in with everyone- even though nothing entirely monumental has happened since my last amazing update.
Love you all!

...P.S: Daniel... what the crap are you doing here, boy?! (What Shannon means to say here is, "Welcome to Loser Cabin!" ... and "What the crap are you doing here, boy?!") You should post something soon!


Hey guys!

Michelle here, just checking in. In fact, I just made the LONGEST blog post EVER! ...except that I put it on my blog, not this one. Sorry about that. (If you want to read it, check out http://michellesaysblah.blogspot.com It's really, really cool!)

Also, I discovered the coolest song ever! It's called "Memories" by David Guetta. I know, it's really annoying in the beginning, but it gets good around 0:16. Here it is:

Love you all, and have an amazing weekend.

Toni: What happened to the video you were making? I want to see it! Haha <3

Holy Hair Gel , Batman! Davey Got a Haircut!

It finally happened. I mean, I knew I had it coming. The first good thing of this year. What was this good thing? The AFI concert!

Hannah, the other concert attend-y, can back me up when I say- very loudly and in a squeaky fangirl voice- "THAT WAS THE BEST CONCERT I'VE EVER BEEN TO!"

Now just to clarify; no, I wasn't their biggest fan throughout middle school- or at least, not as big of a fan as Hannah, Cortney and Becca. But they became a rather large part of my life because of my friends obsession; and I never had a problem with their music, I always loved how unique and deep their songs were- albeit they sometimes scared me. So seeing them, in the flesh, on stage, Jade winking at the audience and Davey telling us how "Fucking fantastic" Missoula was and them just dazzling everyone with their music made me realize the magnitude of how much I had grown to love them over the years- without me having even realized it.

So, as I was want to do, I screamed my love at them- and grazed Jade's finger in the process! (Although Maeve was luckier... Jade shook both her hands!)

There were probably three very important things contributing to how I perceived that wonderful night- the best night of my new year so far. 1) The haziness- which 25% of which was probably due to drug use in the audience- when added to the lights looked freaking AMAZING! 2) Crash Love is my favorite album they've released so far, and they played a bunch of songs from it (weeeell... okay, I do like December Underground... and Blaqk Audio... but Blaqk Audio isn't technically AFI) And, 3) I didn't realize how hot Davey Havok was when he cut his hair!!!!!

Best. Night. Of my life. And I've got the T-Shirt and ticket stub to prove it! :D


Finals...Hell on the planet earth. I swear, god just sent the idea of finals to some crazy teacher just so that he could test us to see if we are strong enough to survive them. And on top of all that it seems like the week of the finals is a mixture of GREAT! and REALLY BAD. For example I got up today and was walking to the bus (which is like a block and a half away) and I fall flat on my back - I was already haveing a tired morning because I couldn't sleep the night before because I was worrying about finals- and I just layed there like Skrew my life. Later that day though I got to spend the whole Lunch time with Superhotmancakes (!!!!!!!!!!) and he seemed like really happy to see me. But it's these kind of sudden mood changes that are going to totally skrew up my ability to do well on finals!

Show me your colors

I know that might sound kind of contradicting. I mean, outside, the world is a blur of sloppy snow and muddy gray sky. But I feel that after the longest time without any energy or positive emotion, I've slowly begun to live my life with flair again.

I feel confident at school. I have the energy to socialize. I hang out with my friends, do my homework on time, and watch movies with my sisters - things are righting themselves up in the world!

Love you all!


WOW!!! I did it guys! this is my first blog. and sice I am already on I will tell you about what happened at the Hu Hot today. Well we go to Hu Hot for Jeri's birthday and then our watress told us that the dinners would be 12$ so jordy and I got a dissert later and then when we are checking out she told us that our price was 40$ I quizzed that poor lady down and was like how the Hell did it get that expensive so really the dinners costed 15$ each and Jordy's cost 17$ because she got a drink. and then I found out the reason it was so expensive was because I was paying for most of Jordy's meal!!!! Ugh! I am never listening to a waitress again about prices and I am going to make sure that Jordy knows how much money she will need before Jeri's next birthday. But other then that Jeri's birthday was alot of fun! I enjoyed it alot! WOOOOOO!!!!
Excellent! :D Loser Cabin is coming together quite nicely! After all this time, we finally get to experiment with the new part of the cabin! Ooooooh!!! And It's so SHINY!