Dear Shannon,

That is SO COOL! I wish we had dances in Norway.
Anyway, I have had the most stressful week ever. We had 3 major tests, and the weekend wasn't that much better - I went to a 13 hour long seminar (6 hours after school on Friday, and 7 on Saturday). It was really interesting, but this kid who broke up with his girlfriend because he likes me sat next to me for the WHOLE 13 HOURS and chatted my ears off.

Eventually I just tuned him out. (Have you ever done that? When you talk to someone who is only talking about themselves, or telling a really boring story, you go into "autopilot mode" and stop listening. All you have to do is nod, look sympathetic/laugh, and say stuff like, "Really?" and "No way!" and "Are you serious?")

Needless to say, I was SO HAPPY when it was finally over. Then my family got together with another American family who we know really well, and we watched a movie and ate pizza and played cards. All in all, it was a very happy ending to a long, boring Saturday.

Teaching Sunday school actually went really well! For the first time ever, I actually felt like I had everything under control. Those little 5-year-old's are the CUTEST ever! When I got home I tried to study for my spanish test today ...and failed. (I'm screwed.)

Anyway, I went to go see Avatar with my friends HÃ¥kon, Sofie, and Rolf. It was AMAZING! I mean, the story was really, really Pocahontas-esque, but the effects, the music, the scenery - it just took my breath away. And seriously... Jake Sully is the hottest humanoid I have ever seen. (Wow, I can't believe I just said that.)

I have some more stuff to tell you, but I don't want to spill the details before I know for SURE. You will just have to wait in suspense along with me. (Muahaha....)

Love you! ;*

Let's dance! ...FOR HAITI!

...Alright, FINE! I'll go again! But this is the last time I post three consecutive times! It has to be someone different next time! TONI! MICHELLE! HANNAH! ...APPARENTLY DANNY! Come on, guys! Help a brothah out!

So yesterday (Saturday, February 20th), Hellgate High School hosted a "Haiti Benefit Concert" and let me just say right now, it was one of the most EPIC things that has ever happened to me. EVAR!

We had several bands that were going to play for us that night- for free- and we ended up raising $1,500 for Haiti. It started at 7 and at first it was kind of slow; although we had a pretty good turn out, people were sitting on the bleachers and not really getting into it. Around 9, the lameos filtered out and we switched to a loud-mouth brass band (For all the non-jazzy cats out there... that's a good thing!) and that's when it became incredibly awesome.

I kid you not, I have NEVER danced like that EVER! It was freaking AWESOME! Everyone was just getting into it and not caring what they looked like and causing a hullabalooza and what not. Best. Night. Ever. ...Again. (I say that a lot... but I mean it! That goes on the list of good nights.)

You want a good time? Befriend a couple of band students! I guarantee you'll have fun! (Although I will warn you... non-band type students sometimes get a little overwhelmed... because we nerd-type bands students REALLY get into the music! Like, hardcore, yo!)

In conclusion, I LOVE BAND GEEKS! (Also, Kung-Fu Congress... look them up. They're freaking BEASTS!)

Hope you're all well, happy, and surrounded by as many nerds as possible!

Love, Shannon

Hello, where have you been? Zimbabwe? Excellent.

Hello Losers! How long has it been since I've updated here? A long time! Or at least it feels that way. ...It probably has been. Because of this, if you really want to keep up to date with me on a pretty much every other day basis, follow me on my blog! It's quite nice now that I finally switched to a more awesome template! Oooooh yeah; that's some spicy style. ...Okay, not really, I just wanted something different and I clicked the one a somewhat liked. But yes! It's great!

...Let's start over. And this time I won't self-advertise. Alright, here we go.
Hi hello! Shannon Bolten here! Just wanted to check in with loser cabin because I seem to neglect it- although not as much as Hannah and Danny and even Toni. Just saying guys! Toni, stop doing debate, stop driving, stop your life! Your friends on the internet need you! :P Okay, jokes, but still you guys! Loser Cabin doesn't seem to have much spark to it even though Hannah Michelle and I have been updating kind of regularly. I don't know what it is... maybe it's because I haven't really gotten into the swing of things yet- I'm still not used to doing one-take vlogs; let alone vlogs that don't have any music! But I'm sure we'll make it magical again.

Anyway, my life has been pretty dang average lately. Lots of homework, surprising amount of wasted free time, and then it was my birthday... on a Tuesday. Yeah. Well, better than Monday! Also, no one remembered my birthday last year... and then I got a sore throat. So comparatively this years birthday has been pretty dang fantastic! All of my friends remembered, and then some people who I didn't even know that well remembered, and then there was the occasional perfect stranger who remembered... so not too shabby!

The best part was that at 5, I got all dolled up, went to pick up Hannah and then gorged myself on fancy french food from the Pearl. Daaaaaamn that's good eating! I had the French Onion soup AND the Fillet Mignon! ...I know, I'm a fatty. But it was SOOOOO good! Best hole I've ever burned in my parents wallet. :D

Today I'm going to go pick out a cellphone and paint my ceiling and prepare the walls for... orange! Tomorrow, that lovely color will dominate the walls. Oh, and also the Snow Ball is tomorrow and my group that I sit at lunch with made reservations for make-up appointments... so this weekend is freaking PACKED!

I hope you're all well and happy and enjoying your weekends!

Love, Shannon

P.S: Sorry this is so long! A lot happened since the other Monday... :P

Just one of those days, yo

This is definitely a Monday. What other day can you 1) Make yourself look like a total idiot in front of a hot guy,

2)Trip down the stairs twice

3) Get stopped in the middle of your monologue to have your drama teacher tell you to "Play with inertia more"- ..."Oh... okay..." ...?!?!

4) Miss the bus for seventh period to go bowling because even though your friends on that bus know you're there and going bowling, they apparently didn't say anything


5) Somehow end up laughing hysterically at it all at the top of your lungs by the end of the day and have the same hot guy from before laughing with you?

Yeah. Definitely a Monday. So how was yours? :D Love,

P.S: At the moment I'm reading Chocolate by Joanne Harris, The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown and Percy Jackson and I recommend all three! (Although, the writing for Percy Jackson makes me chuckle a little... it's still a good storyline! Poor wittle Percy. Awwwwww.)

P.P.S: Hi! :)